Winter Encounters – Pack 1


**A thick hush blankets the world as snow drapes the sloping cliffs, softened beneath layers of white. Towering pines stand in solemn rows, their branches heavy with frost, casting long shadows over the drifts below. The air is crisp and still, save for the occasional sigh of wind that sends a cascade of powder tumbling from the treetops.**

Hello again! It’s been a long while since we’ve done any winter themed maps, so about time we rectify that! We’ve been working hard on refreshing our older winter assets. So we’ve conjured up a couple of encounter maps to show it all off! You can either cross the snow laden rope bridge over the ‘Winter River Crossing’ or survive a dangerous ambush in the ‘Winter Roadside’

In addition to the base maps, for our knight tier, we’ve added a couple variants for those who want to tackle these encounters in the night or amongst a winter blizzard. We’ve also added a few different tiles to add some dynamic elements to these encounters for you to try out.

As always, we’ve included all this in our Foundry module, fully set up for you to enjoy!

Squire ($5 Tier) Rewards Knight ($10 Tier) Rewards Battlesmith ($15 Tier) Rewards - Foundry Module Free Download

Gridless, High Resolution (200dpi) Versions, Alternative Color Variants and Overlay Tiles available for purchase or by Joining FA_Battlemaps Patreon.
[Foundry Module is Patreon Exclusive]
